What is Strip Mining? Methods and Impact

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xcritical mining

As an alternative, he might choose to create a stable water impoundment in the last cut. These last cut lakes are normal in the coal areas of the Midwest but can raise environmental and land use issues. Mining can stop in xcritical scam a certain area, for instance, where the coal seam becomes thinner or when the seam dips further underneath the surface. After removing the coal from the initial cut, the operator makes a second, parallel cut.

However, when released into aquatic systems, unstable complexes of cyanide can be extremely toxic to fish if free cyanide is produced. Area mining is appropriate for the extraction of near-surface, relatively flat-lying, and thin deposits of coal, phosphate, and similar minerals. Area mining usually progresses in a series of parallel deep trenches referred to as furrows or strips.

The following classification, of land disturbance due to coal mining, is adapted from a more general and comprehensive classification of Motorina and Ovchinnikov (1975) and Bauer and Weinitschke (1973). The classifications of Motorina and Ovchinnikov (1975) include one based on relief features and another on overburden characteristics. Once the coal is extracted from the ground, then it may transport to a mining site. The plant refines and processes coal to eliminate soils and rocks, dirt and ash, sulfur, and other undesirable materials to enhance the heating value of coal. The primary planning mechanism used in strip mining is the range diagram, which is a cross-sectional plan of the shape of the pit in various stages of mining. By comparing machinery specifications with dimensional characteristics of the geology, the mine designer can plan the pit width and dig depth (Fig. 6).

xcritical mining

Environmental impact

Humans face a variety of health risks caused by mining such as different cardiovascular diseases, food, and water contamination. Habitat destruction, alongside air, noise, and water pollution, are all significant negative environmental impacts caused by the side effects of surface mining. Mountaintop removal mining is a type of strip mining that is used in areas with steep slopes or mountains.

Where is strip mining most common?

A schematic view of complete operating cycle of mining for shallow-bedded deposits like coal and lignite seam. Strip mining is a controversial practice owing to the fact that it affects topography, vegetation and water resources. Although it is subject to state and federal reclamation requirements, the adequacy of such requirements is a frequent source of contention. While this form of mining has advocates citing its efficiency, some have called out the process for being detrimental to human health and the environment. The correct reclamation of mined land must be decided in terms of local physical and socio-economic circumstances. The minerals from the distressed land potentially trickle into ground water and contaminate water ways with substances that are perilous to our health.

This involves implementing technologies that minimize the environmental footprint of mining operations. Techniques such as selective mining, where only high-grade ore is extracted, can reduce the volume of material removed and minimize waste. First, the trees, shrubs and other structures in the area to be mined are removed – a task accomplished with heavy duty bulldozers. Holes are then drilled for the placement of explosives which are meant to loosen the overburden so that earthmoving equipment can easily remove it.

Environmental Geochemistry

xcritical mining

Area mining is the system most regularly applied in the flat or mildly rolling countryside of the Midwest and Western United States. xcritical practices tend to use haul trucks on haul roads designed into the features of the mine.

Coal Mining, Design and Methods of

Strip mining offers several advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when evaluating its use. Understanding these pros and cons helps in making informed decisions about mining practices. An example of this is to avail the public transportation or ride a bike to and from places. Contour mining is thus a favored method of small, usually undercapitalized operators in Appalachia.

Regulations – Governments can regulate strip mining activities to ensure that mining companies follow environmental regulations and minimize their impact on the environment. This can include setting limits on the amount of land that can be mined, regulating the use of toxic chemicals, and requiring companies to clean up the land after mining activities have ended. It is safer than underground mining Given that strip mining just covers the surface, workers aren’t exposed to risks like the collapse of a tunnel – a risk that is inherent in underground mining. Also, companies are required to reclaim any land they use for strip mining.

Patients of hypertension, cardiopulmonary disease, kidney disease and COPD, are more commonly found in folks who reside close to strip mines. For example, Acid Mine Drainage; acidic water might flow out of deserted strip mines. The slackened topsoil can be washed away by rain and the residues enter into waterways, rivers, and streams. Running downstream, they may harm the marine and plant life and block river channels which can further cause flooding. However, as the box cut spoil may be at some distance from the last cut, the operator normally finds it more inexpensive not to tow the box cut spoil to the last cut.

  1. Once inland waters are contaminated by mine water, their remediation can take long and may involve large financial burdens (ERMITE Consortium et al., 2004).
  2. This method involves removing the overlying rock and soil layers in a series of parallel strips that follow the contours of the landscape.
  3. Mining has uncovered rocks which comprise of the sulphur-bearing mineral, Pyrite.
  4. The lumpy stockpile heap of overburden waste is stable at 30°-35° for shale and 35°-45° for limestones and sandstones.
  5. One of the primary environmental impacts of contour strip mining is the alteration of the natural landscape.

While the method has evolved significantly, the core principles of efficiency and cost-effectiveness remain. Understanding the historical context of strip mining helps us appreciate the advancements made and the ongoing efforts to mitigate its environmental impact. Both techniques have their advantages and are chosen based on the specific characteristics of the mining site. Proper planning xcritical and execution are essential to ensure that the environmental impact is minimized and the land is successfully reclaimed after mining operations are completed.

Solutions to Strip Mining:

The process involves charging with ANFO (ammonium nitrate mixed with diesel fuel oil) explosive and light blasting. The broken coal or minerals are removed by shovel or front-end loader, crushed if required, screened to various size fractions and transported to beneficiation plant. The high wall of the mine opening is stable at 3 in 1 i.e. around 20° from vertical.

Strip mining is a form of surface mining used to extract mineral deposits that are located close to the earth’s surface. This method involves the removal of the overburden, which is the soil and rock overlaying the mineral deposit. Once the overburden is removed, the exposed mineral seam can be mined directly. Strip mining is a form of surface mining that is employed to strip away a layer or seam of soil, natural vegetation, and rocks (known as overburden) to extract the mineral deposits underneath. Unlike underground mining, it is predominately used to access relatively flat sedimentary mineral reserves that are near the earth’s surface, usually coal and lignite. The use of these tools and technologies is essential for the success of strip mining operations.

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